UK Police Corruption

City of London Police – The Great British Cover up

City of London Police corrupt. Inspector Ian Younger, City of London Police is corrupt.   Clinton Blackburn, Angela McLaren,
Alistair Sutherland, Commissioner Ian Dyson, Temporary Commander David Evans,
The City of London Police Force Chief Officer Team Front right Assistant Commissioner Angela McLaren Front left Temporary Commander Clinton Blackburn Rear right Commissioner Ian Dyson Centre Boris Johnson Rear left Priti Patel the Home Office Minister responsible for policing

City of London Police are exposed concealing fraud and corruption against the public interest on a massive scale.

Intelligence UK International reports on how the UK’s lead force on fraud and economic crime act under orders of the Tory kleptocracy to cover up, making criminal law “subject to status”.

We expose Inspector Ian Younger, the Deputy Director of Professional Standards who is implemented to conceal criminal offences and to suppress investigations. A system of inter-agency collusion with an army of regulators that don’t regulate, corrupt police that don’t police and politically controlled judges who intermingle as “soldiers for the kleptocracy”.

Under the Tory dictatorship, the rule of law, British constitutional principles and the public interest is shot to bits.

Exclusive investigation

It was 13th June 2019 when Inspector Ian Younger, the Deputy Director of Professional Standards first stepped in to suppress a police investigation into proven criminal offending.

The institutionally corrupt force were instructed by the Tory kleptocracy to provide impunity to Anthony Hannon, the Official Receiver of London, Middlesbrough FC, their lawyers, Womble Bond Dickinson, Ulick Staunton, their barrister, in a protracted conspiracy to defraud that was covered up by Sir Geoffrey Vos (now Master of the Rolls, then Chancellor of the High Court) and his cabal of freemason corrupt judges. The City of London Police protect them all.

Inspector Ian Younger, who is connected to Middlesbrough, having studied at Teesside University, was factored in to intervene by the chief officer team to assist in providing impunity to the corrupt Tory Teesside politician, Steve Gibson OBE and his cronies.

There was no complaint made to police, yet Younger came in from Professional Standards solely to suppress the investigation, creating a complaint that never was, due to the corrupt police refusing to investigate proven criminal offences and perversion of the course of justice by colluding judges of the High Court who have aided and abetted the fraud.

During the recorded call with Younger on 13th June 2019, he tried to convince Intelligence UK that:

“there’s no obligation on any police force to investigate any particular crime”

Inspector Ian Younger – City of London Police

Table of Contents

The 3rd November 2021 report to Detective Superintendent Gary Miles – Head of economic crime at City of London Police

After Younger suppressed the investigation in June 2019, their failure in duty caused further serious offending to occur.

On 6th November 2020, Mr Justice Timothy Fancourt perverted the course of justice, defrauding their victim of over £1.17 million. They deploy false instrument, void civil restraint orders, perverting the course of justice whilst concealing their fraud and the criminal property.

The corrupt judiciary are a law unto themselves, safe knowing they can commit crimes in judicial office whilst the City of London Police consistently shield them from prosecution.

The emails referred to that we sent to the Chief Officer Team of City of London Police

We sent three emails containing absolute proof of fraud and multiple serious offences. The first titled The fraudulent £4.1 million proof of debt, along with the two emails (A) and (B) below. The Chief Officer Team at City of London Police read the emails over 150 times between them and we tracked those emails, so we could prove that the evidence would be evaded, as we knew it would be.

We sent the same emails to the Court of Appeal, who were very quick to dispose of the appeal on the same day after being asked to provide directions on the emails that prove fraud.



Proven criminal offences and evidence of fraud that was covered up by the corrupt City of London Police and the courts

The right to self-determination under the rule of the laws of the United Kingdom is the very fabric of the liberty of society and the basis upon which common law is established.

Statutory laws are not designed to be complex, they are taken as read, and criminal laws are broken when an offender acts in a way described by those statutory laws.

Fraud by false representation – Section 2 of the Fraud Act 2006

Fraud by false representation

(1) A person is in breach of this section if he— (a) dishonestly makes a false representation, and (b) intends, by making the representation—

(i) to make a gain for himself or another, or (ii) to cause loss to another or to expose another to a risk of loss.

(2)A representation is false if— (a) it is untrue or misleading, and (b) the person making it knows that it is, or might be, untrue or misleading.

(3)“Representation” means any representation as to fact or law, including a representation as to the state of mind of — (a) the person making the representation, or (b) any other person.

(4) A representation may be express or implied.

(5) For the purposes of this section a representation may be regarded as made if it (or anything implying it) is submitted in any form to any system or device designed to receive, convey or respond to communications (with or without human intervention).

The evidence that was presented to prove the offences of fraud by false representation beyond doubt

Intelligence UK needed to meet the hurdle of dishonesty in the evidence by proving that the offenders knew the statements / representations they were making were false.

The evidence we adduced were admissions “out of the horses mouth”, whereby the offender’s own barrister admitted that he knew the statements he was making were false and therefore it is indisputable that he knew what he was doing was dishonest, as did those he was instructed to act for.

The corrupt courts and the City of London Police call white, black, when it has already proven to be white, many times over.

  1. On 9th January 2017, Ulick Staunton, instructed by Womble Bond Dickinson to act for Middlesbrough FC admitted that no claims could be established because, in his own words “Force Majeure has effect”. Therefore, it is proven beyond reasonable doubt that on 9th January 2017, the offenders, acting in conspiracy knew that no claims could be established. On 2nd February 2017, Julian Gill of Womble Bond Dickinson, who instructed Staunton and attended the ex-parte hearing, claimed over £4.1 million.

2. Moreover however, £4,036,874.75 of the fraud by false representation, the proof of debt used to defraud creditors of the proven damages claim against Middlesbrough FC, was for energy supply. The Energy Supply Agreement is conditional upon Mr Millinder’s “satisfaction in full” of “entering into a connection agreement” (which Middlesbrough FC refused). Womble Bond Dickinson, Staunton and Middlesbrough FC all knew that they refused the connection, preventing the turbine operating. In absence of satisfaction of both entering into a connection agreement and “commissioning” (meaning to complete construction and the connection to the grid so that the turbine can commercially operate), there was no “entitlement to agreed output” (agreement to supply power). Any “invoicing & payment” was also contractually prohibited in absence of Mr Millinder’s satisfaction in full, of both conditions.

On 9/01/2017 Ulick Staunton – Barrister for Middlesbrough FC admitted “Force Majeure has effect” (because Middlesbrough FC refused the connection for the turbine)

Any reasonable and honest lay person could establish, just by reading the terms of the contract and in knowledge of the circumstances could determine that no payments for either rent or energy supply could be owed to Middlesbrough FC. Moreover however, from point 1, we evidence from the transcript of the ex-parte (without notice) injunction hearing of 9th January 2017, that Staunton admitted he knew the effect of Force Majeure would negate any requirement to pay.

We evidence below the salient parts of that transcript, the admissions from Staunton:

City of London Police corruption. Inspector Ian Younger, Commander Clinton Blackburn.  Corrupt City of London Police.  Commissioner Ian Dyson.  Commissioner Angela McLaren.
It was admitted categorically by Staunton on 9th January 2017 that no claims could be established for energy supply because Force Majeure has effect Staunton however lied about Force Majeure in the Lease because he knew it had effect for the same reason namely because Middlesbrough FC refused the connection preventing the wind turbine from being able to commercially operate <br>Fundamentally the purpose of the option to lease and the Lease was so that Mr Millinder could construct connect to the grid and operate the wind turbine

It was later found by Nugee J on 5th February 2018 during his rigged hearing that in fact Staunton lied about the provision of Force Majeure within the Lease

It would found in the order of Nugee J on 5th February 2018 that Staunton twice lied about the provision of Force Majeure in the Lease, but Nugee, a close personal associate of Staunton did nothing other than conceal the proven fraud whilst perverting the course of justice, then going on to commit fraud by false representation himself!

Corrupt City of London Police concealing fraud and colluding with corrupt UK judges who have done the same.
After finding that no rent or energy supply was ever owed to Middlesbrough FC and that they unlawfully forfeited the Lease for the turbine after refusing the connection at paragraph 6 of the order of 5th February 2018 it was found that Staunton had twice lied about the Force Majeure clause in the Lease because he knew no rent was owed

It was therefore proven beyond reasonable doubt that on 9th January 2017, Staunton and his conspirators, Womble Bond Dickinson solicitors and Middlesbrough FC knew that neither rent or energy supply payments were owed and that therefore they knew the claims they were making were false. 24-days later Julian Gill of Womble Bond Dickinson claimed over £4.1 million.

In his judgment of 8th February 2019, after having the order of Nugee J before him cited in the application notice itself, Vos committed fraud, stating that the £256,269.89 unwarranted demand which Nugee had already found to be false was “a quantified claim for rent” (knowing that neither rent or energy supply was owed and that £181,269.89 was for energy supply).

The frauds by false representation, £256,269.89, then £541,308.89 and then £4.1 million were all proven and the test for dishonesty was established to the required standard. There was nothing to investigate, all the work had been done, yet the corrupt courts and City of London Police still worked to assist the offenders, providing them impunity for the multiple proven offences they have committed.

The £4.1 million fraud by false representation was used by fellow conspirator, Anthony Hannon, the corrupt Official Receiver of London, who fraudulently abused his position by sustaining the claim to keep the proven damages claim, founded by proven unlawful forfeiture of the Lease, beyond reach of creditors. It is clear and obvious that the claims were all used to make a gain and to cause a loss, but moreover, to prevent justice being served on Middlesbrough FC and Steve Gibson, the Tory Teesside politician and his foot soldiers.

The frauds by false representation did not end there

We provided City of London Police and the corrupt courts with further substantive evidence to prove that Staunton and his conspirators knew that the assigned investments (£770,000) which they had known about since 30th June 2015, extinguished their later fraudulent £25k liability and that Staunton also committed fraud and perjury.

Once again the corrupt judiciary came to their aid, preventing justice being served on them for the proven fraud, whilst using the façade of insolvency law to defraud Mr Millinder of his rightful assets, the assigned investments plus standard interest.

We showed categoric proof that on 3rd January 2017, Jeremy Robin Bloom, the former senior partner of Womble Bond Dickinson who moved on to work as Steve Gibson’s right hand man at Middlesbrough FC, had in his possession a copy of the assignment which originated Mr Millinder’s statutory demand on 3rd January 2017.

Bloom had committed perjury, making a knowingly false statement in tandem with fraudulently failing to disclose over 171 pages of witness evidence that proved the demand during that ex-parte hearing of 9th January 2017. It was proven beyond reasonable doubt therefore that Bloom knew the statement he certified as true was false and that Bloom is guilty of perjury. The corrupt judiciary awarded them costs for their fraud.

At Email A, we evidenced that on 5th February 2018 Staunton said what’s assigned are the investments, the £200,000″. It was therefore proven beyond doubt that Staunton and his conspirators (including the corrupt judiciary) knew that the assignment, totaling £770,000 plus standard interest accruing from 30th June 2015, extinguished any claim that Middlesbrough FC could ever bring against either Mr Millinder or his companies.

Just 4-days later, Julian Gill, who submitted the £4.1 million fraudulent claim, presented a covert (without service and without notice) winding up petition against Mr Millinder’s company, Earth Energy Investments LLP, for £25k which was by then extinguished by over 30-times. It was the £25k from a consent order they fraudulently obtained, when there was no consent. Gill committed perjury and certified the petition to be true, knowing that no money was owed to Middlesbrough FC whatsoever.

We evidenced that on 21st March 2018 Staunton had the order of the same day in his possession but exactly one-week later, in Mr Millinder’s absence, Staunton lied and said that proceedings had been terminated.

Staunton lied and said this “Indeed, but that matter has been fully ventilated in front of Judge Jones, terminating Monday of this week”.

It was therefore proven beyond reasonable doubt that Staunton knew the representation he was making was false and that he did so to make a gain for Middlesbrough FC and to cause a very substantial loss to Mr Millinder.

We also evidenced how Staunton lied about the cross claim that he admitted extinguished the purported £25k petition debt on 05/02/2018 when during that malicious winding up heating for the £25k fraudulent liability on 28/03/2018, he said this:

Earth Energy has a fully owned subsidiary, Empowering Wind, which is now in the process of being wound up. The liquidator is Mr Hammond from the OR’s office. The subsidiary had an agreement with the petitioner. The petitioner has, as part of that group, terminated the agreement and also a lease underlying it and Mr Millinder then said, “Well, the subsidiary has a significant claim for damages against Middlesbrough”, but it never brought any proceedings”  That’s the cross claim”

Staunton knew that the proven damages claim founded by Middlesbrough FC’s unlawful forfeiture of the Lease was being kept beyond reach of creditors by them and Hannon sustaining the £4.1 million fraud by false representation in the form of the proof of debt claim.

Hannon, the corrupt liquidator, who also knew the claim was false, maintained that Middlesbrough FC were “by far majority creditors” and for that reason Mr Millinder and his fellow creditors had “insufficient voting interest to call a meeting to replace him“.

Middlesbrough FC and their conspirators all knew, on 9th January 2017, but in fact long before, that the claims they were making were false, just as Staunton knew, by his own admission on 5th February 2018, that the cross claim, the assigned investments extinguished the £25k fraudulent liability he used to wind up Earth Energy knowing that no money was ever owed.

We then evidenced how after Staunton lied (committed perjury and fraud by false representation) on 28th March 2018, he completely “u-turned” just 14-days later on 11th April 2018 before Chief Registrar Briggs and said this: “there’s a cross claim which extinguishes the liability to pay £25,000 , but then again, we evidenced that Staunton had also once again lied and stated this:

There is the cross claim. There is the assignment. So the two grounds upon which Earth Energy invite you to rescind the Winding Up Order were before Judge Barber”

We had shown both the corrupt courts, including the Court of Appeal, categoric proof of fraud. Both they are the City of London Police covered up and failed to provide directions on the same 3 simple emails.

It was proven that what was before Judge Barber on 28th March 2018 was Staunton’s fraud by false representations and perjury where he said that the cross claim was the claim that vests in Empowering Wind and not the assigned investments he admitted were assigned on 5th February 2018.

It was once again proven beyond reasonable doubt that Staunton and his conspirators all knew the statements and representations they were making were blatantly false. The issue is that the corrupt UK police and judges are equally part of the fraud, seeking only to cover up and to reward the perpetrators, whilst assisting them in further advancing their frauds in the name of justice.

Again, the offending did not end there, E-mail B that we asked Detective Superintendent Gary Miles to investigate proved further perjuries, the false instrument applications to Bristol County Court by Middlesbrough FC and their conspirators which were all certified as true, when the lawyers acting knew they were false.

Those false High Court Writ applications led to Mr Millinder being blackmailed, having a High Court Enforcement Officer seeking to levy distress on Mr Millinder’s goods to the value of £619,774.48, founded by their false instrument application. The evidence and submissions in that email was self-explanatory.

All of their further fraud and offending originated from their fraud by failing to disclose information in conspiracy, on 9th January 2017.

Fraud by failing to disclose information

A person is in breach of this section if he— (a) dishonestly fails to disclose to another person information which he is under a legal duty to disclose, and (b) intends, by failing to disclose the information —

(i) to make a gain for himself or another, or (ii) to cause loss to another or to expose another to a risk of loss.

The actus reus of the offence – Fraud by failing to disclose information

It is complete as soon as the Defendant fails to disclose information provided he was under a legal duty to do so, and that it was done with the necessary dishonest intent

There is no requirement that the failure to disclose must relate to “material” or “relevant “information, nor is there any de minimis provision.

If a Defendant disclosed 90% of what he was under a legal duty to disclose but failed to disclose the (possibly unimportant) remaining 10%, the actus reus of the offence could be complete.

We took the corrupt judges and City of London Police to where it was found by Nugee J that all the infromation that proved the demand was withheld and the information withheld came in tandem with the failure whatsoever to disclose that Middlesbrough FC refused the connection for the wind turbine. It was the connection contracts, including the (unsigned) Northern Powergid / Middlesbrough FC agreement for making the connection that was amongst the 172 pages of witness evidence dishonestly withheld.

There was concise evidence proving all of those offences and both the civil courts and the corrupt City of London Police concealed the offending.

The offence of perverting the course of justice and section 26 of the Criminal Justice & Courts Act 2015

We took the corrupt judges involved, and City of London Police to a comparative case, whilst far less serious and without millions of pounds in criminal property and multiple criminal offences by multiple parties acting in conspiracy, we talked about the Huhne, Briscoe, Pryce case where all were jailed for perverting the course of justice in the Chris Huhne driving points scandal.

The offence of perverting the course of justice is complete when one prevents justice being served on themselves or another, which is precisely what City of London Police and all the corrupt judges, and Middlesbrough FC, Womble Bond Dickinson, Hannon, Staunton and later Ohrenstein have done.

Watch the short video below below, the only difference was, that Briscoe, a part time recorder judge, was not in judicial office at the time and there was not multiple judges conspiring to pervert the course of justice over 4-years like there is in this case:

Offences committed by Anthony Hannon under the Insolvency Act 1986 which overlap with the offence of fraud by abuse of position

We likened the less serious offences which are either way offences under the Insolvency Act 1986 which Hannon is proven to have committed on 9 separate counts, with the driving points originating offence in the Huhne, Briscoe and Pryce case.

Irrespective of the originating offence, the actus reus of the offence of perverting the course of justice is complete when once prevents justice being served on themselves or on others when either a police investigation or court proceedings (either civil or criminal) have started. That is precisely what City of London Police, the corrupt judiciary, including Vos and all the judges involved, but also the principal offenders have done in this case. Why are they still at large we ask?

Of the the last of the 8 offences Hannon has committed, we listed “1 count of the offence of section 109(2) of the Insolvency Act 1986 in Hannon failing as Liquidator failing to publish notice of his appointment in respect of Earth Energy Investments LLP”

Hannon failed to publish notice of his appointment, knowing that he was already conflicted, having defrauded the creditors of Empowering Wind MFC Ltd by fraudulently abusing his position (section 4 of the Fraud Act 2006) working on conspiracy to defraud with Middlesbrough FC and their corrupt lawyers

All liquidators must publish notice of their appointment in the Gazette. It is a criminal offence not to do so and the offence is complete when the Liquidator fails to do so. Once again, the corrupt courts and police (including Lord Justice William Davis) have perverted the course of justice, preventing the offenders from being prosecuted.

The only difference between them and the Huhne, Briscoe and Pryce case is that Briscoe, a recorder judge was not in judicial office at the time and in that case, there was not millions of pounds of criminal property (See: section 340 of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002) along with a protracted conspiracy to defraud by the offenders and 16 corrupt judges who supported them.

Section 26 of the Criminal Justice & Courts Act 2015

Corrupt or other improper exercise of police powers and privileges – Is precisely what Younger, but all of the corrupt City of London Police Chief Officer Team has done;

(1) A police constable listed in subsection (3) commits an offence if he or she—

(a) exercises the powers and privileges of a constable improperly, and (b) knows or ought to know that the exercise is improper.

(2) A police constable guilty of an offence under this section is liable, on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14 years or a fine (or both).

These criminals in the police forces and those purporting to act as judges have defeated the rule of law and British constitutional principles. It is time to hold the Tory kleptocracy and all responsible to account, for “nobody is above the supremacy of the rule of law“, not even corrupt judges, politicians or police.

Ian Younger, the corrupt city of London Police agent comes to the aid of the criminals to pervert the course of justice and to impunity to fellow white-collar freemason lawyers and judges

By 11th November 2021 Ian Younger had re-involved himself in the case, coming in to suppress the investigation with the obnoxious letter below designed only to conceal and to pervert the course of justice after his superior officer, Detective Superintendent Gary Miles reviewed three emails sent to the Chief Officer Team referred to below.

It is clear that no investigation took place in June 2019, yet Younger relies solely upon the judgment of Sir Geoffrey Vos, the corrupt Jewish freemason who has breached his oath concealing the proven fraud, as a means of preventing justice being severed on his fellow brethren, the Teesside corrupt lawyers supporting the fraudsters and football hooligans of Middlesbrough FC.

Ian Younger sought to make himself the sole point of contact within City of London Police, so that he could continue doing what he does best, perverting the course of justice, suppressing evidence and inflicting gross human rights abuse against victims of crime who should be able to rely on police to prosecute criminals.

City of London Police corrupt. Inspector Ian Younger, City of London Police is corrupt.   Clinton Blackburn, Angela McLaren,
Alistair Sutherland, Commissioner Ian Dyson, Temporary Commander David Evans,
Ian Younger and City of London Police made various lame and nonsensical excuses to prevent Mr Millinder from having any contact with them whatsoever after they refused to investigate proven criminal offences There was no prolific derogatory or abusive content yet Younger invented this as an excuse to prevent Mr Millinder from having contact with any police officer It is clear and obvious that the instruction to do so has come from the Tory kleptocracy who have also been coercing the judiciary to do the same
Inspector Ian Younger, City of London Police corruption, City of London Police is corrupt.   Clinton Blackburn, Angela McLaren,
Alistair Sutherland, Commissioner Ian Dyson, Temporary Commander David Evans. Police corruption UK.

Sir Geoffrey Vos, who was then Chancellor of the High Court, had that claim before him. The front page of the demand refers to payment for energy supply and the second page is an invoice in the sum of £181,269.89 for energy supply when any “invoicing & payment” was contractually prohibited and that there was no “entitlement to agreed output“.

Moreover, where Younger repeated what Vos had lied about, talking about that the judge had “gone through the papers in meticulous detail and can see no evidence of fraud, conspiracy or misdealing” , the last page of the application notice itself proved the fraud in respect of the claim for energy supply.

The racketeering criminals have all relied heavily on suppression of evidence and then by discrediting Mr Millinder by deploying falsely obtained civil restraint orders as a form of concealment and to prevent him from his right of access to justice. The proof is in the evidence.

In the application for trial (every application Mr Millinder made to have the frauds tried were suppressed), the application itself referred to the finding of Nugee J on 5th February 2018 where it was found that no rent or energy supply was ever owed to Middlesbrough FC and that on the basis of that, they forfeited the lease Mr Millinder paid them £200,000 for, for non-payment. That is a fraud. How meticulous was Geoffrey Vos in reviewing all the papers?

The corrupt police are soldiers to the kleptocracy, the regulators don’t regulate and the corrupt courts serve only lawlessness and injustice

The police are the criminals, part of a racketeering enterprise comprising of them, corrupt lawyers and judges who launder money, commit fraud and conceal, whilst existing solely to provide impunity to fellow racketeers who operate in the City of London Corporation, the corrupt lawyers, insolvency practitioners and judges who form the collective systemic corruption organisational structure led by the Tory kleptocracy.

The oath of police constable that Younger and his cronies, the City of London Police Chief Officer Team have breached

“I, , do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well and truly serve the Queen in the office of constable, with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people; and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and property; and that while I continue to hold the said office I will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully
according to law.

This article provides the people with categoric and absolute proof that the UK’s police and judiciary are amongst the most corrupt in the world, and it was only last week that Boris Johnson, a regular visitor to Teesside, was stating “The UK is not in the least bit a corrupt country“. Under his leadership of cowardly liars and cheats, the UK is the most corrupt country in the world.

Please like, comment and share far and wide. Everyone deserves to know the truth, truth that is suppressed by the controlled mainstream media.

About author

We are Intelligence UK International, a leading global private intelligence agency dedicated to investigating and combatting domestic corruption and economic crime where law enforcement fail. Bringing you hard hitting investigatory journalism, holding the unaccountable to account.
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