Lords of Fraud

Mr Justice Leech, Trower & Johnson to the Hall of Shame

Mr Justice Leech, Mr Justice Johnson and Mr Justice Trower to the Judicial Hall of Shame

Mr Justice Leech, AKA Thomas Alexander Crispin Leech (23) , Mr Justice Trower, AKA William Spencer Philip Trower (24) and Mr Justice Johnson, AKA Edwin Geoffrey Johnson (25) are added to our Judicial Hall of Shame with immediate effect.

The aptly named Justice Leech and his two counterparts have, we allege, been breached their oaths and now leeching off public funds after vitiating their tenure in judicial office.

In the UK, judicial corruption is in overdrive, and we have gathered the intel across multiple cases to prove it.

This state terrorism in the name of justice, is sponsored by you, the taxpayer. That’s right people, you pay those who behave abhorrently, violating the trust placed in them whilst they defraud in the name of law and justice. The UK’s sect of central government controlled judges are above the law. They follow orders.

The Lord Chancellor and Lord Chief Justice are personally liable for allowing our people to suffer whilst being deprived of justice under the watch of these tyrants.

Having behaved atrociously in judicial office these offenders have been responsible for destroying hundreds of innocent families. They purport to administer law and justice, whilst doing the opposite.

The judicial oath of office is long established law designed to protect the people from tyranny, yet under this kleptocracy, judicial corruption is concealed so the perpetrators can continue leeching off public funds whilst going completely unpunished.

The police are corrupt to the core and have been instructed by corruot central government officials to cover up for them. The victims are left defrauded and without any hope of justice in a system they control.

The tyranny are judges of their own cause.

If you, or anyone you know has been affected by judicial state terrorism and fraud please get in touch with us confidentially.

We are gathering the intelligence to adduce so that they will face justice in an international anti-corruption court.

The UK kleptocracy protects fraudster judges who work for the banks, corrupt lawyers and insolvency practitioners.

Fellow brethren, all the other judges cover up for them to ensure secrecy and concealment so that they can go on stealing people’s assets in the name of “law” and “justice” whilst dishonestly depriving their victims of both.

English law is the most comprehensive in the world, but the infiltration by a rotten administration of corruptors who have recruited likeminded pathologically dishonest cowards, have defeated the rule of law, and the proper independent administration of justice. Our aim is to restore it, to create justice for all.

A full scale grand jury trial is needed internationally to hold these criminals to account outside of the court system they control.

Those added to our Judicial Hall of Shame hace demonstrated that they cannot be trusted to act as proper and impartial judges.

It is up to you, but we would not give them audience.

You have been warned.

There is no chance of getting justice when criminals are behind the bench.

Back in the day a judicial imposter who breached his oath would have been sent to Traitor’s Gate and hung from the Tower after torturing our people in the name of justice.

Today’ we suspend them in our hall of shame for eternity for all to see.

After all, there’s a cure for corruption, and that is, transparency.

In the public interest, in the interests of justice we expose judicial corruption based on real evidence.

We need your support. Please like, comment and share far and wide.

About author

We are Intelligence UK International, a leading global private intelligence agency dedicated to investigating and combatting domestic corruption and economic crime where law enforcement fail. Bringing you hard hitting investigatory journalism, holding the unaccountable to account.
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