UK corruption

Accountability in the unregulated wild west of the UK

When we say “unregulated wild west of the UK“, we are not referring to the west of the country, but the wild west that all of the UK has become due to unethical, unscrupulous leadership from the highest echelons down.

The UK is a fraudster’s paradise, with the perpetrators free to continue making millions through fraud and money laundering, whilst the regulators turn a blind eye. Accountability.

The ones at the top lack integrity, so, naturally, the laws and constitutional standards that once made Britain “Great” have nosedived so far southwards. It’s time for us all to put the “Great” back, by holding the tyranny all to account.

The biggest problem the UK has is a complete lack of regulation and enforcement of the ethical standards, codes of conduct and administrative laws.

Knowledge is power, and in this article, we inform you of the duties of all public officials, judges, police and ministers, to conduct themselves in a constitutionally proper way and we detail some of the many issues.

It is mark of the times when the head of the UK’s civil justice, the Master of the Rolls, openly acts to conceal fraud (perverts the course of justice), whilst his friend, the Lord Chief Justice, ensures his deputy is provided impunity.

Why is it that in other countries, there is proper regulation and enforcement of the standards, in particular the conduct of the judiciary, but in the UK, there is none?

Administration of justice in the UK is unregulated, unaccountable and corrupt.  There is no accountability.
Administration of justice in the UK steers mostly to the left, rarely to the right, and often just a cross between the two with the result coming back from the left

Whilst the regulators fail whatsoever to regulate and more often than not, cover up wrongdoings, we are here to help you hold the unaccountable to account for their actions. The system may not hold them to account, but we do, and they sure don’t like exposure.

Many countries have dedicated and constitutionally independent anti-corruption courts to deal with wrongdoing by public and judicial officials. The UK has a rotten corrupt police force who fail to investigate allegations of corruption and pass the buck, courts that cover up and regulators that don’t regulate.

Is it about time that the public wake up and act to deal with this problem? Absolutely, for if left to the political kleptocracy, it will only get worse.

Judicial accountability and regulation in the USA

The USA, as a prime example, has statutory law, namely The Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980, which provides that anyone can file a complaint alleging a federal judge has committed misconduct or has a disability. In the USA there is a legal framework for all complaints against the judiciary, known as the Rules for Judicial-Conduct and Judicial-Disability Proceedings and all complaints meeting the standards are investigated by the chief judge, and then by a committee.

There is no time limit for initiating a complaint against any judge. The USA is focused on proper regulation of the judiciary in the public interest, covering all instances of judicial misconduct, from criminality through to acting with bias or poor judgment.

Judicial accountability and regulation in the UK, by comparison

In the UK, we have the sham Judicial Conduct Investigations Office (“JCIO”) who altogether fail to regulate the judiciary, leading to a wild west in the courtrooms, with an unaccountable, lawless judiciary who often act contrary to the law, the public interest and the interests of justice.

The JCIO bureaucracy is a cabal of lay persons who have no investigatory capability, describing themselves as an “independent office supporting the Lord Chancellor and Lord Chief Justice in considering complaints about the personal conduct of judicial office holders”. They are not independent at all, they are controlled by the Lord Chancellor (central government) and the Lord Chief Justice (who is corrupt). The scope of their “regulation” has been deliberately limited solely to:

  • The use of racist, sexist or offensive language
  • Falling asleep in court
  • Inappropriate use of social media
  • Mis-using judicial status for personal gain or advantage

The day to day judicial corruption and malfeasance that prevails in practically all the courtrooms is completely ignored and unregulated. Lawlessness, spoliation of evidence (the deliberate disregard of evidence to assist one side), actual or perceived bias, acting with favour and ill-will, is completely disregarded by the purported regulator.

One must naturally question, why is that? Is it because the UK, the Lord Chancellor and Lord Chief Justice favour cover ups over acting in the public interest? The proof is in the pudding. Thousands are being defrauded by the judges themselves.

All of that prevalent non-regulation goes on whilst the Lord Chancellor and the Lord Chief Justice constantly harp on about how wonderful and “whiter than white” the judiciary in the UK is. What absolute nonsense.

Judicial accountability: The constitutional oath of judicial office and the duty on all ministers to maintain judicial independence

The Promissory Oaths Act 1868 is law today. Law that is designed to protect civilians from tyranny and abuse by those occupying judicial and ministerial office. The law is broad, designed to cover a wide range of issues that affect judicial impropriety. If a judge acts with “favour and ill-will”, in law, he is no longer afforded any position in judicial office from the date of the breach.

The Lord Chancellor is sworn to maintain the independence of the judiciary but yet it is they, the Tory ministers, who have been interfering with the judiciary. Under section 3 of the Constitutional Reform Act 2005, there is a further legal duty on all ministers, including Boris Johnson, to maintain the continued independence of the judiciary.

The fact is that all of these ministers have broken the law, but they have also failed to act in the public interest of which they are constitutionally bound under the 7 Principles of Public Life, but additionally, they have breached the Parliamentary oath, of which they swore:

I (name of Member) swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, her heirs and successors, according to law. So help me God.

The Parliamentary Oath
Accountability - Oath of UK police constable. Judicial accountability.

“I do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well and truly serve the Queen in the office of constable, with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people; and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and property; and that while I continue to hold the said office I will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law.

The oath of a Police Constable

Who enforces breaches of the constitutional oaths designed to protect the public we ask? The answer is, nobody.

Complainants are constantly left in the dark

Complaints to the JCIO that a judge has breached his / her oath are not upheld, for the complainant is told that such complaint does not fall within their remit of investigation (the 4 feeble points above).

Complaints about a judge’s conduct to police get fobbed off and often referred back to the JCIO, so victims of judicial abuse never get justice, and the perpetrators get away completely unpunished.

Complaints to the Parliamentary Standards Commissioner in respect of a breach of oath get dismissed, they state that “those issues are not within our remit”. Is it all just deliberately engineered evasion techniques to ensure that all officials are completely unregulated?

The fact of the matter is that the maxim, nemo judex in causa sua (Latin for: “I shall not be a judge of my own cause”) applies. Effectually, the Tory kleptocracy and all underneath them are self regulating, or, more correctly, non-regulating. They are above the law and they are judges of their own cause, they find they did nothing wrong, or, they just did not investigate at all.

Complaints to the IOPC (Independent Office of Police Complaints, always get brushed under the carpet, the complainants are drawn out for months, only to be informed that no further action will be taken. The entire system is rigged that way.

The Solicitor’s Regulation Authority, Bar Standards Board and Law Society

Another sham bureaucracy that purports to regulate the SRA Code of Conduct, the regulatory standards of which all solicitors and those carrying out restricted legal activities in the UK must comply with. The SRA is certainly within the top 3 of the regulators that fail to regulate and again, the proof is in the pudding.

We looked at what the people have been saying. We went to Trust Pilot, a leading online review portal where those who use the services of public bodies or companies, leave their feedback.

Of the 200 reviews left by those who suffered misconduct by solicitors, causing them to complain to the SRA, 99% were bad. The penultimate summary of the conduct reported across those reviews is that of 23rd September 2021:

SRA is not fit for purpose

This site evidences consistent and unanimous negative experiences of the SRA by the very people they are duty bound to protect. The SRA serves for only one purpose: to protect the legal profession at any cost. Yes, fraud, dishonesty, incompetence, you name it, the lowest of the low, and the SRA will find a way to avoid looking. Meanwhile, solicitors continue to act unscrupulously with lack of integrity and sometimes gross misconduct because they know they can and will get away with it. Solicitors are experts in dishonesty and fraud and the SRA is the expert in covering up for them. Despite all these comments based on real people’s personal experiences, its business as usual ….The SRA is incompetent and not fit for purpose .

I’d advise any one not to waste their time with the SRA, just don’t bother.

That, in a nutshell summarises the non-existent regulation of the UK’s legal services. Unregulated, unaccountable and rotten to the core with fraud, money laundering, collusion and corrupt practices that just get covered up.

The Bar Standards Board is just as bad, along with the Law Society, and their biased, nonsensical publication, the Law Society Gazette with their team of vindictive, stroppy journalists serving only as “agents for the state” lending credence to the corruption, concealing and defaming anyone that challenges the credentials of the masonic stronghold of corrupt lawyers and judges.

The Police and its regulator the IOPC, the Serious Fraud Office and the National Crime Agency

The police are another huge failure, acting contrary to the public interest, the police purport to uphold criminal law, protecting the public from crime and disorder. Over a quarter of all crime in the UK is fraud / economic crime, which represents a significant threat Serious and organised crime is estimated to cost the UK at least £37 billion each year.

All fraud reported to the police in the UK is referred to Action Fraud, or, non-Action Fraud more like.

Over 95% of all victims who report fraud and economic crime to Action Fraud, never even see a response to their complaint, let alone any investigatory action. Less than 0.5% of all fraud reported results in a case getting to court and the actual successful prosecution statistic is even lower.

The Serious Fraud Office and the National Crime Agency are sham law enforcement quangos, grossly under funded and under resourced, they purport to tackle corruption and high value fraud, but rarely if ever do anything that results in coming even close to catching the perpetrators, whilst domestic corruption is covered up and ignored.

The economic crime hub of the world

Fraud and economic crime is condoned and normalised, with the perpetrators knowing they can get away unpunished. The biggest fraudsters are a large number of the judges, who defraud people of their rights in law and their assets in the name of “justice”, using the courts as “cash cows” to feed fellow freemason lawyers they are often personally acquainted with. Ill-will and favour runs rife.

The criminals know how it works, they see the UK as an easy target, a safe haven, leaving the people and their businesses at constant risk of economic crime. Often, the victims, at their wits end through failures of the police, then get defrauded by fellow racketeers purporting to be judges.

The Insolvency Service and the insolvency sector

The biggest scam in the UK’s cesspool of corruption and economic crime is the filth ridden insolvency sector, rotten to the core with corrupt practices and unethical insolvency practitioners. The worst of them are within public office, acting as official receivers and insolvency examiners within the Insolvency Service itself, the purported regulator of the sector.

With the audacity to use the slogan “delivering economic confidence”, the Insolvency Service states it works to maintain economic confidence by maximising returns for creditors of insolvent estates. We have found it does precisely the opposite.

Knowing that Anthony Hannon, the Official Receiver of London has defrauded creditors, the corrupt ministers of BEIS covered up his fraud, then installed him as the Official Receiver looking after the Carillion insolvency.

Whilst the legal framework, the Insolvency Act 1986 and the Insolvency Rules 2016 provides a solid foundation for regulation and procedure, the fact is that insolvency practitioners and unscrupulous lawyers use insolvency as a license to print money, to defraud, to asset strip and as a tool to prevent justice being served.

Insolvency is being used to defraud their opposition’s standing to bring claims against them, often by deployment of fraudulent claims. Insolvency is being misused to bankrupt solvent persons and companies, whilst the purported judges assist the perpetrators and conceal the fraud.

The classic example being the conduct of the Master of the Rolls, blatantly concealing fraud against creditors whilst sustaining a knowingly fraudulent £4.1 million claim. This is who they install as head of civil justice, the deputy Chief Justice, a personal friend of the corrupt Lord Chief Justice. They all protect one another. Is that in the public interest?

The All Party Parliamentary Group on Fair Business Banking (“APPG”), led by Kevin Hollinrake MP, recently published it’s “Resolving Insolvency: Restoring faith in the system report” , and whilst just “skimming the surface”, the report identified some of the issues, with Mr Hollinrake commenting that:

Loose regulation allows insolvency to be “weaponised”

The regulator has been party to multiple frauds, defrauding creditors and innocent parties, whilst paving way for those it purports to regulate to do precisely the same. Its management, from the top down are proven to be serial liars and cheats, but they get away unpunished. Where is the accountability?

The Financial Conduct Authority

The recent prosecution of RBS / Natwest Bank for money laundering offences is the first of it’s kind for many years. Usually everything done by the banking cartel is covered up, but this one slipped through the net, only the tip of the iceberg.

Natwest faces a fine of around £340 million for money laundering after, going undetected, the Bradford based jeweler money laundering outfit, Fowler Oldfield deposited up to £1.8m a day, equating to £365 million. Small change for a bank that received a bailout of £45 billion of taxpayer’s funds.

Judicial accountability. Money laundering. FCA failing to regulate. UK corruption.  Insolvency Service corruption.

Any private corporation or individual who handled proceeds of crime (whilst failing to report) would be jailed for the offences under either section 328(1) of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 or section 327(1), or both, but the Bank gets away scot free, using taxpayer’s bailout money to pay the penalty, whilst, once again, the leadership remain unaccountable. Another case of “justice subject to status”, the government’s affiliates are provided impunity, “made above the law”.

The UK political kleptocracy has a long history of protecting large corporations, with the 2008 bail outs, but moreover the “willful blindness” of the regulator when the banking cartel commit fraud and engage in money laundering. When are Lloyds going to be held to account for the hundreds of victims of the Lloyds / HBOS ponzi fraud?

The 7 Principles of Public Life

Also known as the Nolan Principles, the 7 Principles of Public life is the ethical code of conduct that underpins the Ministerial Code. The 7 Principles of Public life must be obeyed and adhered to by all judges, police, MPs and public officials.

The code itself provides the informed complainant with a baseline set of principles which empower administrative law, bringing into play the duty on all holders of public office to act at all times solely in terms of the public interest, whilst providing accountability and acting with openness, honesty and integrity.

Those are the laws, the regulatory framework and the issues, but the lead question remains: Who is actually regulating the laws designed to regulate British constitutional principles in the public interest?

If you have been affected by a wrongdoer in public or judicial office and you would like us to investigate or to expose the perpetrators via our platforms, get in touch with us today.

About author

We are Intelligence UK International, a leading global private intelligence agency dedicated to investigating and combatting domestic corruption and economic crime where law enforcement fail. Bringing you hard hitting investigatory journalism, holding the unaccountable to account.
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