Lords of Fraud

Mr Justice Fancourt ‘Fanny the Court’ Miles is ‘Miles-Out’

Mr Justice Fancourt, AKA Sir Timothy Miles Fancourt, No. 10 and Mr Justice Miles, AKA Sir Robert John Miles , have, it is alleged, been caught covering up fraud and criminality by corrupt public officials to prevent a course of justice being served on them and Middlesbrough Football Club, owned by Lord Houchen’s former right hand man, bent Tory politician known as ‘Mr Teesside’, Steve Gibson O.B.E.

Watch our 23-minute documentary exposing Mr Justice Fancourt’s antic’s acting non-judicially as ‘FANNY-the-COURT and Mr Justice MIles doing the same, ‘MILES-OUT’ side law and jurisdiction to have done it !

With the likes of Mr Justice Fancourt / FANNY-THE-COURT & Mr Justice Miles / MILES-OUT on the bench it’s ‘justice, subject to status

Under the UK kleptocracy, its not about what you know, rules or how good your game is, but its who you know and the circles you keep that makes these foul players at all times, and for whatever reason ‘above the law’ defeating the rule of law.

This Tory cabal of lawyers, judges and corrupt interconnected public officials are made ‘above the law’, whilst their victims are penalised.


OPERATION BLACKJACK investigates, exposes and prosecutes perpetrators of domestic corruption to restore the rule of law, in the interests of justice, for the good of democracy, and to get justice for the many thousands of victims of human rights abuses and fraud suffered as a result of those who misconduct themselves in public office.

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We are Intelligence UK International, a leading global private intelligence agency dedicated to investigating and combatting domestic corruption and economic crime where law enforcement fail. Bringing you hard hitting investigatory journalism, holding the unaccountable to account.
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