UK corruption

The UK justice system is amongst the most corrupt in the world, it is all just very well concealed

The improper or corrupted administration of justice ruins people’s lives. Civilians are losing their children, homes, businesses and property assets through the corrupt UK courts and until you or someone you know has been a victim, you may not even be aware of the skulduggery that goes on under the façade of “justice”.

The UK’s courts, the Ministry of Justice, police, the Insolvency Service and the Crown Prosecution Service are, fundamentally, systemically corrupt and there is a massive problem with undue political and third-party interference with the judiciary. Those administering justice purport to be “whiter than white” when in reality they are “darker than dark”.

UK corruption - UK Judges are a fraud - Robert Buckland QC MP - Lord Chancellor & Lord Chief Justice
The Right Honourable The Lord Burnett of Maldon Lord Chief Justice of England and WalesRed and White and The Right Honourable Robert Buckland QC MP Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for JusticeGold and Black process through the Abbey Judges service marking start of the legal year London UK 01 Oct 2019 A Service attended by the Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice the President and Justices of the Supreme Court Heads of Division and other Judges and Members of the Legal Profession was held at Westminster Abbey London and led by The Dean of Westminster

Dishonest concealment, monopolistic powers, a culture of impunity for fellow idealists, including lawyers, public officials and judges that engage in acts of corruption has become the norm. What we are talking about is an infestation of public authorities and affiliated private institutions with parasitical corruption elements, a distributed network of corruptors who are generally pathologically dishonest and morally bankrupt, each fulfilling different roles in political and ministerial posts throughout all public authorities, following common purpose practices and general rules of secrecy.

Abidance and compliance by the rules are rewarded, whilst non-compliance, such as whistle blowing or acting lawfully are penalised. The culture of systemic corruption is complex and involves shared expectations, internalised management, codes of conduct, strategy and procedures to protect the collective organisational structure and its activities from exposure. The conduct originates and is commanded by the highest echelons of central government and manifests right the way through the entire system

“It is the leadership at fault… a culture of impunity prevails”

Robert Buckland QC, the Lord Chancellor and Ian Burnett of Maldon, the Lord Chief Justice have ensured that freemason only judges are being recruited to maintain a secret society within the justice system who will obey orders.

It is the leadership who are at fault, it is their duty to maintain the independence of our judiciary and courts, whilst regulating their conduct, yet it is they themselves who have closed the gap that should be.

The constitutional gap between our courts, the judiciary and central government has been filled, the bridge has been built and that bridge over what should be the essential constitutional gap between the judiciary, the courts and central government comes in the form of the Attorney General’s Office and the Ministry of Justice. There is a culture of impunity for wrongdoers, provided that they support the establishment’s agenda.

The Guardian recently summarised the UK’s Prime Minister as:

“Led by a prime minister indulged by a lifetime of never being told no, and guided by a self-styled “disruptor” with no respect for truth or the rule of law, we have an executive which, perhaps uniquely, has no intention of deferring to the courts or to parliament, or being in any way bound by the law”

“It is, in the scheme of things, trivial but nevertheless emblematic that when Cummings himself was challenged about breaking the law during lockdown, the government not only gaslighted the public about the facts, but enjoined Suella Braverman, the attorney general and superintendent of the Crown Prosecution Service responsible for prosecuting breaches of lockdown regulations, to abuse her office by offering a public opinion on Twitter vouchsafing the lawfulness of Cummings’ conduct”

A constitutional crisis

UK corruption, constituional crisis, judicial corruption, political corruption, courts, judiciary, corrupt judges

Our analogy is unpretentious, if the leadership lack integrity, it follows that everything they lead will go south, along with the standards and the rule of law. That is precisely what has happened with the rule of law and the UK’s justice system. Overhaul required.

Our democracy relies on the impartial administration of justice and the rule of law to uphold our constitutional principles. Judicial overreach, the exercise of excessive and oppressive judicial power is the current scourge of the UK establishment. The courts have been weaponised into places of injustice, fraud and human rights abuse. The UK’s judiciary are unaccountable, unregulated and have become a law unto themselves.

In the cases investigated by First for News, our reporters witnessed judges appearing to “follow orders”, it was clear to us that a number of the proceedings we followed appear to have been entirely pre-determined, reasoning and abidance of the law was absent.

The constitutional oath of the judiciary is designed to protect civilians from tyranny and all judicial officers in the UK must swear two oaths upon taking office:

“I, _________ , do swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, her heirs and successors, according to law”.

“I, _________ , do swear by Almighty God that I will well and truly serve our Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth the Second in the office of ________ , and I will do right to all manner of people after the laws and usages of this realm, without fear or favour, affection or ill will”.

Constitutionally and effectually, any judge that behaves in a manner that violates the oaths one took upon swearing into office vitiates their position in judicial office from the effectual day of the breach.

Judicial misconduct

Judicial misconduct comes in many different forms and generally any conduct that affects the proper and impartial administration of justice constitutes misconduct. Most prevalent in the UK is conduct entailing what the US defines as “spoilation of evidence”, meaning the intentional, reckless or negligent, withholding, altering or evading of evidence, facts or point of law in a legal proceeding. Judges are just evading evidence to favour the position of one party, often completely disregarding the evidence, facts and applicable laws in doing so.

Judicial misconduct, UK constitutional crisis, judicial corruption uk, courts, judges corrupt UK, court

Any judicial act that would be construed if found to diminish public confidence in the judiciary, or that would be seen to undermine independence would, on an international level be viewed as judicial misconduct, as would any act that conflicts with the principles of natural justice or a Convention Right of the Human Rights Act 1998.

Obvious examples of judicial misconduct are violations of criminal or civil law, falsification of facts, abusing powers to obtain special treatment for associates, accepting bribes, gifts, or other personal favours, having improper discussions with parties or counsel for one side in a case, treating litigants in a demonstrably egregious and hostile manner or violating other specific, mandatory standards of judicial conduct, such as judicial rules of procedure or evidence.

The UK’s judiciary are unregulated

It is principally the role of the Lord Chancellor and the Lord Chief Justice to regulate the judiciary, yet in practice it is not happening. The regulatory authority purporting to regulate the judiciary, the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office (“JCIO”) have sought to limit their remit of investigation to just four narrow issues, completely evading the day-to-day judicial misconduct that prevails in more or less every court in the United Kingdom. The JCIO, of which its “investigators” are not legally trained, investigate only allegations of;

• The use of racist, sexist or offensive language• falling asleep in court• Inappropriate use of social media• Misusing judicial status for personal gain or advantage

The JCIO website expressly states, as if engineered in this way deliberately, that:

“we cannot accept complaints about a judge’s decision or the way a judge has managed a case. Complaints which fall outside our remit will be rejected”

There is an entire failure by the regulator to address the widespread issues of judicial misfeasance that is running rife in all of the UK’s courts that plays a lead role in the degradation of standards in the administration of justice. The UK is the only country in the world that operates an antithetical judicial regulator that entirely fails to protect the public from corrupt acts by the judiciary.

The UK establishment provides its judiciary with impunity, allowing them to behave however they like without retribution. It is this fact that leads to complacency amongst the judiciary who regularly abuse their powers in full knowledge they will never face justice.

In the USA the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980, 28 U.S.C. 351-364 establishes a process by which any person can file a complaint alleging a federal judge has engaged in “conduct prejudicial to the effective and expeditious administration of the business of the courts” or has become, by reason of a mental or physical disability, “unable to discharge all the duties” of the judicial office. Defined in statute under US code section 28, Chapter 16 legislation governs the process of complaints against judges and judicial discipline.

The UK does have an equivalent law, being the Judicial Discipline (Prescribed Procedures) Regulations 2014, yet this set of legislation is entirely focused on complaints being first made to the JCIO, who seek to limit their remit of investigation and rule out the vast majority of reports of judicial misconduct or malfeasance. Part 2, section 6(1) expressly states that:

“a complaint about an office holder must be made to the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office”

It is however the office of Lord Chancellor and Lord Chief Justice who are ultimately responsible for conduct and discipline of the judiciary and given that both are senior lawyers and judges themselves, one would naturally envisage that they could spot the vast gaping flaws in the system of judicial regulation as clearly as we can in preparing this article. We reiterate, it is the leadership at fault, they are entirely culpable and must be held accountable.

Fundamentally, the regulator does not regulate, nobody does. We have seen many a complaint against judges that have been made to police systemically being referred to the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office. One such case where it is alleged substantively that judges were perverting the course of justice was prematurely closed by Met Police, a DS Hinchliffe of Met Police Serious Crime Unit cited to the complainant that:

The case is sitting with the RCJ and there is specific policy which deals with allegations of Perverting. This needs to be referred by the judge we do not investigate perverting unless the court refers it”

Met Police were implying that police will only investigate an allegation of a judge perverting the course of justice if the court / the judge being complained of, refers it to them himself. Clearly that is not going to happen and we found after investigation that the “RCJ”, Royal Courts of Justice have no such policy. Essentially, the police have been providing impunity to the corrupt judiciary and it is our belief that this is why things have spiraled so far out of control. There is simply no accountability or regulation.

There is no rule of law if human rights are not protected and without a functioning impartial judiciary, human rights cannot be defended in absence of those that uphold the rule of law. Our democracy will simply disintergrate, the UK will become a lawless wild west, it is happening already.

The rule of law is being degraded by the very office holders that are tasked with maintaining those laws. Without law, there is no democracy, investor and confidence in the justice system and integrity of the State is depleted, the UK has become a laughing stock in the eyes of an international audience. Civilian rights have become just words on paper that are never enforced, tyranny prevails.

“It is the principle of open justice and the right to self-determination under our laws that underpin our common law jurisdiction”

Over the coming weeks Intelligence UK uncovers and expose our findings across several high-profile cases of judicial corruption of the UK’s judiciary, following on from over 3-years of investigation, naming names, getting behind judgments and the root of the cases allowing the public to learn what really goes on behind the secretive courts. Such controversy never gets out, until now.

About author

We are Intelligence UK International, a leading global private intelligence agency dedicated to investigating and combatting domestic corruption and economic crime where law enforcement fail. Bringing you hard hitting investigatory journalism, holding the unaccountable to account.
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