UK Police Corruption

Cressida Dick limps away with hard feelings

Cressida Dick resigns

Cressida Dick, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner was forced to step down last night after meeting with London Major, Sadiq Khan at 4:30pm yesterday, Thursday 10 February 2022. Khan put Dick on notice last Wednesday after demanding that there was is to be a radical reform within Scotland Yard or she would be out. Cressida Dick, Sadiq Khan

Khan lost all confidence in Dick’s ability to lead in the policing top job after a series of scandals continue to be exposed from within the force. The latest came from the corruption ridden Charing Cross police station, where officers have been found to be sharing explicit material of a sexist, misogynistic and Islamophobic racist nature via chat messages. Cressida Dick resigns

It is reported that two officers who have been investigated were promoted instead of being held accountable. One rule for the masses and another rule for those in positions of authority and power, a case of “justice subject to status”, a typical trait under the Tory kleptocracy. Compliance appears to be rewarded. Sadiq Khan

In her statement Dick said she’d been forced out: “It is with huge sadness that, following contact with the mayor of London today, it is clear that the mayor no longer has sufficient confidence in my leadership to continue. He left me with no choice but to step aside as commissioner of the Metropolitan police service. At this request, I have agreed to stay on for a short period to ensure the stability of the MET and its leadership while arrangements are made for a transition to a new commissioner. Undertaking this role as a servant of the people of London and the UK has been the greatest honour and privilege of my life”.

The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) revealed the shocking details of messages shared by MET officers between 2016 and 2018.

The IOPC released extensive and shocking details of the messages shared by the Met officers via WhatsApp or Facebook . Examples of the offensive messages included: Cressida Dick resigns

  • One male officer wrote to a female officer: “I would happily rape you … if I was single … if I was single I would happily chloroform you.”
  • Another officer advocated violence: “Getting a woman into bed is like spreading butter. It can be done with a bit of effort using a credit card, but it’s quicker and easier just to use a knife.”
  • Police officers wrote about attending a festival dressed as known sex offenders and a molested child.
  • “Numerous messages about rape and ‘raping’ each other” were sent in two WhatsApp group and one Facebook group.
  • One officer messaged another saying he was going to attack his partner and wrote: “Swear to got [sic] I’m going to smack her”.
  • Another message shows an officer bragging about visiting a sex worker when he was using steroids.

IOPC Regional Director Sal Naseem said: “The behaviour we uncovered was disgraceful and fell well below the standards expected of the officers involved”.

While these officers predominantly worked in teams in Westminster, which have since been disbanded, we know from other recent cases that these issues are not isolated or historic. 

It may be her greatest privilege but Cressida Dick has lived up to her name, failing in her duty to uphold the peace and laws of the UK. Turning her head to the reality, evidence and public cries for help in protection and enforcement of the law.

This issue of trust between the police and general public has been one that has been raised for many years. We know that freemasonry plays a huge role in the core institutionalised mentality within the police force, as it does the UK’s systemic corruption problem as a whole. This issue has been brought to Parliament before by the Home Office Committee back in 1998 in their report FREEMASONRY IN PUBLIC LIFE

It is imperative that The Seven Principles of Public Life (also known as the Nolan Principles) apply to anyone who works as a public office-holder. This includes all those who are elected or appointed to public office, nationally and locally, and all people appointed to work in the Civil Service, local government, the police, courts and probation services, non-departmental public bodies (NDPBs), and in the health, education, social and care services. All public office-holders are both servants of the public and stewards of public resources. The principles also apply to all those in other sectors delivering public services.

Public confidence has dropped and is at an all time low to date. However, now is the time for the general public to keep reporting all crimes by those who we entrust with authority and power. The solution to ensuring trust is maintained is to always demand for it to be upheld. Demand that the Nolans Principles are acknowledge, implemented and respected, failure to do so results in their immediate resignation. Truth plus transparency equals trust.

About author

A relentless and dedicated fighter for justice and human rights, I am a former FHM model, mother of three, with first hand experience of being victimised by the corrupt, secretive family courts. Having studied law I joined Intelligence UK International as a Paralegal and a partner of the firm, using my legal knowledge and skillsets to help others who have fallen foul to a system in urgent need of reform. I head up a small team leading investigations into domestic corruption and high profile fraud cases, deploying intelligence gathering and surveillance techniques to get results for our clients. I am a keen writer and I express my passion for truth and justice in delivery of compelling investigatory journalistic articles designed to raise awareness and to hold the unaccountable to account.
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