Operation Blackjack - Medieval corruption in modern England at the heart of the City of London.  - 'Op Blackjack'

OPERATION BLACKJACK – For the love of the game and one you all really cannot afford to miss: An enigma, in real life, the fast pace of Blackjack with years at the table, 21 ‘independent referees’ turned strikers, not quitting while ahead, bending the rules of the match and changing the goalposts.

The House broke the rules turning the tables on its opposition with a spin of double dealing to ensure the ball was always in the Tory home team’s court. It was a quick shuffle up and deal, day is night, black is white, as night is day.

'Op Blackjack' - Operation Blackjack - 21 judicial jesters playing English medieval style corruption games in the City's heart.

21 cards in a 21 round championship, the underdog showed aces, playing by the rules its blackjack, and on all 21.

'Operation Blackjack' - Our investigation and story of medieval corruption in the City of London & 21 judges

The chain’s driven from the top, the leaders of the House pumping out the spin, all fall into line, building fast with more cogs, nuts and bolts, it keeps chugging along, flattening democracy, law and everything in its path. What will it take for this house of cards to come crashing down?

We lifted the bonnet on the old boy’s network, revealing all the cards of the game. We found the main drive cogs spinning the wheels of the City’s systemic corruption machine from the top.  This old boy is modular, with gears and cogs spread wide from the top down, judicial, law enforcement and regulatory mechanics operating all in line.

It was no dice, kicking off on the Smoggie‘s home ground, all bets were off come blackmail. Game on, at the roll of a dice, legal jesters at the table in the Rolls on Fetter Lane, a showdown in the judicial heart of the City.

Blackjack, footie, a massive fan in Teesside, ransom demands, a smog of Tory corruption and overspill into the judicial mechanics. What could possibly go wrong?

Our money was on a 3-year investigation (‘Operation Blackjack‘) into English medieval corruption of modern justice in the City of London, the financial crime capital of the world, and now it’s cards on the table, in front of your eyes, the real deal.

FREEMASONRY & The 21st Degree – Tools of the craft driving the corruption machine

The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is a full-fledged Rite practiced worldwide. The Temple Building, the first law office of England was the official stronghold of Knights Templar. The English legal establishment is enshrined in freemasonry.

Tools of the craft are spread widely and the oath of the freemason takes precedence over justice, law and equality.

'Op Blackjack' The 21st Degree of the Scottish Rite

21° – Patriarch Noachite In this degree, Knights and Nobles come together to punish crime, reward virtue, protect the innocent, and provide aid to the needy. We learn to strive for humility, modesty, and courtesy over arrogance, defamation, and cowardice. Freemasonry is not a shield for evil-doing.

Operation Blackjack - Let the games begin... 

21 oF 21 - The Master of the Rolls - Sir Geoffrey Vos head of civil justice for England & Wales

Operation Blackback The full house of cards, 21 double dealing judicial referees turned striker’s for the Tory politician’s Club. The old boys network, led by a sect of criminal racketeers who infiltrated the highest echelons of England’s political, judicial and regulatory institutions. Who’s holding all the cards?

An amazing real life investigation of how Teesside’s biggest fan span out of control, blowing downwind, with justice subject to status, and ethical standards nosediving southwards, starting at Smogville in the North, rampaging to the City of London Courthouse and the City’s guards, the City of London Police.

The stench of corruption is not only pungent, but it’s right in front of your nose.

Shuffling the cards and dealing in order, we reveal our hand, later in the game releasing the whole deck and the tricks of the House in our true life crime paperback ‘Blackjack in the City’.

The City’s judicial jesters (“TEAM BLACKJACK“), top and tail it out of the Rolls, led by the Master of it, at the top, No. 21.

Dealing face up, exposing the truth they knew, the real evidence they had and the lies they told, we throw a huge spanner in the works of the Tory corruption machine, driven at the top of the House, coming in at No. 10.

The chain is driven from the top, all fall into line, building fast with more cogs, nuts and bolts, our machine just keeps chugging along, flattening democracy, law and everything in its path. What will it take for this house of cards to come crashing down?

Alex Chalk MP - Lord Chancellor at the top of the House of Cards
The pitboss of the House: Alex Chalk leaving No.10 Downing Street in July 2023

One of my predecessors, Francis Bacon, observed that, “if we do not maintain justice, justice will not maintain us.” Let us turn to the task ahead. I as Lord Chancellor will do my duty. And I know that all of us, whatever part we play, will join today in committing to maintaining that justice, endeavouring to leave the rule of law in our country stronger for our having been here. Those are my submissions.

Alex Chalk KC MP – Lord Chancellor for England & Wales

Buy access to all 21 now for just £21 – Go all in that’s amazing value at £1 a card !

A small bet for hard hitting real life action pays dividends, doubling down on the double dealers with compelling and cutting edge investigatory journalism.

Place your bets, only this one returns something money can’t buy. Knowledge is power, and if all know then the people become powerful. It’s what the establishment fears most. – GET IT NOW

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The systemic corruption network steamrollers ahead to ensure secrecy and concealment, but we were several moves ahead.

Victims of fraud terrorised in the name of law and justice, deprived of both, whilst the perpetrators are made ‘above the law’.

In our exclusive, we show our hand, 21 cards on the table. Justice seen not to be done exposing the truth, restoring the rule of law by holding the unaccountable to account in ways unprecedented.

Operation Blackjack brings an end to gross human rights abuse, mental torture, fraud and suffering at the hands of medieval jokers and jesters playing judicial corruption games.

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