Private intelligence agency - Intelligence UK International. We are dedicated to fighting fraud and serious corruption in the public interest.   - Terms & Conditions

Private intelligence agency dedicated to investigating and prosecuting serious corruption and economic crime in the public interest.

DISCLAIMER: We are not a law firm and we do not carry out regulated legal activities:
Intelligence UK International operates as a private intelligence agency providing criminal and civil investigation and strategic legal consultancy services. We do not offer legal advice. Regulated legal activities, including private criminal prosecutions are carried out on our behalf by specialist counsel who has a license to litigate and such work, where necessary, is engaged on a case specific basis.


Intelligence is managed by and is a trading name of Intelligence UK International S.A, located in San Jose Costa Rica. Our operations are internationally located. In the UK our activities are carried out by designated group companies as so advised in our engagement letter.

Intelligence UK uses it’s best efforts to ensure the content on the website is accurate and up to date, nothing on the website should be construed or regarded as legal advice.

By using this website you confirm that you have not relied on any such content in pursuance of, or based on anything contained in this website that implies a legal opinion or form of advice.

Intelligence UK does not provide legal advice and we are not a law firm. We do not solicit business in pursuance of legal services and rather, we focus on specific matters or cases in the public interest. We do carry out consultancy work, investigations and preparations in case management with a view to commencing private prosecutions.

Limitation of liability: We exclude to the fullest extent permitted by law all liability for loss or damage howsoever arising out of use of this website or reliance upon its contents. This does not include an exclusion of liability for death or personal injury arising from our negligence, or for loss or damage arising from fraud, nor does this affect your statutory rights. Intelligence UK is not responsible for the data policies or procedures or the content of any web site or content linked to or displayed within our website save for where that content originates from us. Use of this website is subject to English law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.



A1. No information or service we provide implies a legal opinion or form of advice. Information we provide has been complied and investigated by us with a high degree of care and skill, however, the decision as to how you, a client, or anyone who uses such information is made by choice of their own informed views.

A2. Legal advice should be sought independently based on any information we provide if you deem necessary.


B1. Intelligence UK International group conducts work in the public interest to tackle corruption and economic crime. Donations we receive funds work we carry out in the public interest (not funded by any client), and we receive donations through Intelligence UK International Ltd, a UK non-trading company providing public interest information, reporting, high level investigation and consulting.

B2. Donations are non-refundable, save for in exceptional circumstances, and at our sole discretion upon consideration of those circumstances.

1. Introduction:
1.1. This document contains the standard terms of business of Intelligence UK International S.A group companies and should be read in conjunction with our standard engagement letter we provide to each client with whom we engage.
1.2. Our letter of engagement will set out the scope of the work to be carried out and the basis of our fees. Where the terms differ from these standard Terms of Business, the terms of the letter will apply. Should you have any questions, please contact the member commissioned in dealing with your matter.
1.3. Where appropriate we may approach such third parties you approve for additional information or documents. We will rely on the information and documents being true, correct and complete and will not audit the information or those documents unless specifically stated we will do so in our engagement letter.
1.4. At the outset of each matter, we will discuss with you what is to be achieved and what is necessary to achieve it. Any material developments during the course of the matter, delays, or possible deviations will always be reported to you, but we will be guided by you as to the extent and detail to which you wish us to report.
1.5. Intelligence UK will not accept any liability arising from your failure to reply completely and accurately to any request for information.
1.6. We are professionally and legally obliged to keep your affairs confidential. However, in exceedingly rare circumstances we may be required by statute to make a disclosure to the National Crime Agency or Police where we know or suspect that a transaction may involve money laundering or terrorist financing. If we make a disclosure in relation to your matter, we may not be able to tell you that a disclosure has been made.
1.7. We aim to charge a fair fee in all the circumstances. Because each individual matter presents its own unique characteristics, our fee may be adjusted upwards or downwards to take account of factors such as the complexity, importance or value of the matter, its urgency or its novelty.
1.8. It is our normal practice to ask clients to make payments on account of anticipated costs. If this is the case, it is essential for you to meet requests for payment promptly. Money paid in advance will be paid into our clients’ account and will then be applied to pay disbursements as they are incurred.
1.9. Intelligence UK reserves the right to charge interest at a rate equal to 8% over the base lending rate from time to time on bills falling one-month or more overdue. Interest will be applied on a daily basis, subject to our sole discretion, depending on circumstances.
2. Confidentiality & Communications:
2.1. We treat all communications received as strictly confidential and we handle this information in accord with the Data Protection Act 2018.
2.2. We will not disclose any information relating to you or the matters of which we are engaged without your express written consent and all material is treated as strictly confidential.
2.3. Much of the work we undertake is subject to litigation privilege. Data is stored securely using the latest encryption technologies.
2.4. Unless you indicate to the contrary in writing prior to the appropriate time, we will only hold your file in relation to any particular matter (including any associated papers or documents) for a period of six years after we have archived it. After that time the data may be destroyed confidentially and we hold no liability for data in our possession after the sixth year from our last engagement with you, our client.
2.5. We regularly communicate by e-mail. This may include correspondence, documents or other information. As standard, our emails are not encrypted. It may be possible that confidential information is sent in this format which, therefore, may be intercepted intentionally or by accident and read by a third party. If you do not wish us to send confidential information by e-mail please advise us accordingly in writing or in the alternative, we can arrange for emails to be encrypted between us.
3. Copyright:
3.1. We retain the copyright of all the content within our website and all other rights in all documents we provide to you or to any third party on your behalf, or those documents which may come into your possession through whatever means. 
3.2. We grant our clients with whom we have completed a letter of engagement a non-exclusive license to use such documents solely for the purpose for which we provide them to you but not further or otherwise.
4. Applicable Law & Jurisdiction:
4.1. English law will apply to all services provided by us and any dispute arising out of or in connection with them and each party agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of the English courts unless such other jurisdiction is mutually agreed in writing by the parties.
5. Limitation of Liability:
5.1 Unless otherwise agreed with you in writing our aggregate liability for work undertaken (based on the fees which we have estimated) for you is limited to a maximum of the fees we have charged you. This limitation will not apply if a loss is due to dishonesty or wilful misconduct on the part of any director or member of our staff. If we are jointly and severally liable to you with any other party we shall only be liable to pay you the proportion which is reasonably found to be our fault. We shall not be liable to pay you the proportion which is due to the fault of another party.
6. Contractual Relationship:
6.1. This agreement is made between you and Intelligence UK International and takes effect from the date of the letter accompanying these Terms. In the context of these Terms “the firm” shall mean Intelligence UK International S.A for the time being, or the partnership, limited liability partnership or other entity of our group or the entity which may succeed it and/or carry on its practice, and to which all obligations, rights, duties and responsibilities under these Terms shall be transferred or assigned. In these Terms references to “we” and “us” shall mean the firm.
6.2. This agreement is personal to you and may not be assigned to or held on behalf of or for the benefit of any third person, without our written consent.
6.3. For the purpose of Section 1(2) of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999, it is agreed that no term of our agreement with you shall be enforceable by a third party.
6.4. If you continue to instruct us in this matter it will amount to your acceptance of these terms of business. Even so, we ask you to please confirm that you agree to them by signing and returning the confirmation of receipt of client care letter and terms of business which is always attached to our letter of engagement. We can then be confident that you understand the basis on which we are commissioned to act for you.
7. Data Protection – How we use your information:
7.1. We will use the information you provide primarily for the provision of our services to you and for other related purposes including updating and enhancing client records, analysis for management purposes and statutory returns, crime prevention and legal and regulatory compliance.
7.2. Our use of that information will be subject to your instructions, the Data Protection Act 2018 and our duty of confidentiality. Please note that our work for you may require us to disclose information to third parties such as expert witnesses and other professional advisers. You have a right of access, under data protection legislation, to the personal data that we hold about you.
7.3. We may need to check your records now or in future at a credit reference agency which may record the search and make it available to other organisations. If you have any queries as to the use of your data please refer these to our Data Protection Officer.
7.4. We are keen to ensure that any personal information we hold about you should remain accurate and up to date. Therefore, please let us know if there are any significant changes to your personal details.