Become a member of our private intelligence network - Private intelligence agency - Restoring the rule of law and holding the unaccountable to account!

Join our private intelligence Network (“PIN“) and become a member of our global network of individuals and businesses who share a common aim in achieving fair and just governance, holding the unaccountable to account by taking positive action to create change. 

Our PIN group is united, fighting against corruption and white-collar crime. We have resources on the ground worldwide. 

PIN members share knowledge and intelligence, networking with other members, gathering intel from fraud and corruption cases across our PIN, with a particular focus on insolvency based white-collar crime, judicial, police and political corruption.

Cases are submitted to us by PIN members for review so that we can identify the points at issue relaying our findings back
to group members in our exclusive monthly briefing reports.

It’s about gaining insight and executing strategy with brutal focus

Led by IUKI, PIN members act as a collective to identify common synergies, with our aided investigation to establish the critical facts, develop strategy and execute campaigns to target the perpetrators of UK domestic corruption and white collar crime.

The key to the success of any case is the investigation and capability to articulate the facts and evidence in a way anyone can understand.

Gathering intelligence via the group and then transforming that to positive action is what we do. Now you can become part of it.

We shine the spotlight on the perpetrators, rooting out the facts and critical evidence, finding solutions, and lobbying for change.

Together we can make a difference. One PIN, with one voice united

Numbers count and the more PIN members we have, the stronger we are, with increased efficiency of intel gathering, investigatory, litigatory and lobbying capabilities.

Exclusive access to intelligence reports and information

Our members get exclusive portal access to our monthly intelligence E-briefing journal providing incredible thought-provoking editorial and video analysis from a professional investigator’s perspective.

Members engage and can ask questions directed either at us or at the network. Many eyes are always better than one, and evaluation of insight given by the answers of many gives our members the edge.

Our membership fees and donations are what enables us to do the work we do exposing corruption in the public interest and by becoming a member, not only are you helping us, but we give back, by helping you become a part of it.

Membership at just £12.50 per month all inclusive SAVE £60when you buy for the year at just £150

Join our Private Intelligence Network now for just £150 for the year


Subscribe monthly at just £20 & cancel if you want with no obligation

PIN members are anonymous – Our policy

Only IUKI admin know the true identity of other PIN members who are covert and are always referred to by nickname.

PIN members should not disclose their true identities and IUKI will keep all PIN member information and personal information secure and confidential at all times.

Private Intelligence Network - Joint Intelligence UK International's Private Intelligence Network ("PIN") and become anonymous, making a difference united against corruption and white collar crime.

Information on a member will not be released to law enforcement, and in which case, only law enforcement, and save for in the most exceptional circumstances only when there is an order of a criminal court of competent jurisdiction which lawfully compels us to do so. Our policy for the protection of the interests of our members, in any circumstances, is only to release any information as an absolute last resort.

Our admin is offshore, our infrastructure is secure and is also offshore.

Nobody is getting access to a PIN member’s information unless that PIN member first consents to the information being released.

Copy approval is always sought in writing prior to releasing any information specific to any PIN member.

PIN membership subscriptions are identified in our Terms and Conditions as donations and those standard terms apply.

Get in touch with us for further information on membership.