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Chancellor of the High Court Sir Julian Martin Flaux EXPOSED

Chancellor of the High Court, Sir Julian Martin Flaux is EXPOSED concealing fraud by corrupt public officials and lawyers.

The Chancellor of the High Court in London, Sir Julian Martin Flaux, has demonstrated to us all, the English rule of law, equality, natural justice and even the mandatory law of due process applies to some, but not others.

Lord Justice Flaux, or FAUX (fake), that is the question? A case of ‘justice, subject to status‘, not what you know, or how good your evidence is, but who you know and which side of the fence you sit.

The primary function of courts and the judiciary is to protect individual rights, maintain law and order, and promote justice and fairness in society. This short article and the evidence we reveal shows that the corrupt English establishment have defeated it all.

Our 4-year investigation into English medieval style corruption cronyism, Operation Blackjack, reveals that under this tyrannical dictatorship at the top of the justice system, a network of taxpayer funded criminal racketeers operate, no business or individual is safe.

One cannot rely on the courts to act independently, nor the terms of a contract and statutory law to gain restitution. The global reputation, economy, rule of law, human rights and democracy is being attacked by a lawless administration who make themselves and members of their network ‘above the law’.   Anyone who exposes or challenges the regime is penalised.

We expose the rot of the English kleptocratic government, from the top down, those who have infiltrated all walks of public life, recruiting only those they know will engage on their terms, maintaining secrecy, concealment, following orders whether lawful, morally correct, or otherwise.

There is no judicial diversity in the UK, a massive contributing factor to the demise of the rule of law, independence, and the systemic corruption of justice.

The Chancellor of the High Court Sir Julian Flaux defeated the ends of justice (perverting, we allege)

Deuda Ltd was advised by our agents to record its call on Friday 22 March 2024 between the Chancery Judges Listing clerks of the High Court Chancery Division in the Rolls Building on Fetter Lane, in the City of London.

Court clerks reveal they were instructed by the Chancellor, Lord Justice Julian Flaux, ‘not to process’ Deuda’s applications which were already issued, sealed and served on the two defendants.

The defendants in Deuda’s case, a proven corrupt public official, the Official Receiver of London, who has committed criminal offences that they have covered up, and Middlesbrough Football & Athletic Company [1986] Ltd, the Club owned by ‘Mr Teesside’, Steve Gibson OBE, the allegedly corrupt Tory politician, didn’t even need to do anything in defence, the judicial kleptocracy covered it all up for them.

There’s a massive stench of corruption drifting from the North, right into the belly of the beast in the heart of the City of London, the 7 minute, 49-second video of the actual recording on Friday speaks volumes.

Chancellor of the High Court, Sir Julian Martin Flaux instructs the court staff ‘not to process’ proven claims knowing that the fraud has been concealed and never tried

The preliminary issue in the case

It is alleged that the corrupt judiciary colluded with the Insolvency Service, installing Anthony Hannon, the Official Receiver, acting as liquidator of both Mr Millinder’s sole purpose companies Empowering Wind MFC Ltd (“EW“) and its parent investment company, Earth Energy Investments LLP (“EEI“).

No money was contractually owed to Middlesborough FC when they demanded £256,269.89 on 25 June 2015 after “U-turning” and preventing EW and EEI from performing on the rights granted under the 26-year lease, which was to ‘construct, connect to the grid, and operate’ the wind turbine. On 19 August 2015, the Club fraudulently forfeited the lease based on their blackmail. No money was owed then, and no money has been owed ever since.

The mandatory law of due process

The long established statutory set off provisions conferred in Section 323 of the Insolvency Act 1986 (bankruptcy) and in Rule 14.25 of the Insolvency (England & Wales) Rules 2016 date back to the statutes of Queen Anne. Insolvency set off rights are widely recognised in most countries worldwide.

In Stein v Blake [1995] UKHL 11, it was finally determined by the House of Lords, now the Supreme Court that the effective date of the set-off was the date upon which the insolvency commenced. Accordingly, where the debt of the insolvent is a contingent debt, then the debt must be valued at that date for the set-off to be given effect.

Paragraph 5 of the judgment sets out when set off is to be applied in bankruptcy / insolvency law generally:

5. Taking the account under section 323
set-off therefore requires an account to be taken of liabilities which, at the time of bankruptcy, may be due but not yet payable or may be unascertained in amount or subject to contingency. Nevertheless the law says that the account shall be deemed to have been taken and the sums due from one party set off against the other as at the date of the bankruptcy.

At paragraph 7 of the judgment:

7. The occasion for taking the account
In what circumstances must the account be taken? The language of section 323(2) suggests an image of the trustee and creditor sitting down together perhaps before a judge, and debating how the balance between them should be calculated. But the taking of the account really means no more than the calculation of the balance due in accordance with the principles of insolvency law. An obvious occasion for making this calculation will be the lodging of a proof by a creditor against whom the bankrupt had a cross-claim

It was finally determined therefore that the occasion for setting off (both bankruptcy and corporate insolvency), is when a creditor, or one claiming to prove, claims for an alleged debt against the insolvent (company or individual).

In the case of EW, it has a claim, quantified with a high degree of certainty, exceeding £10 million and the occasion for taking an account was on 15 August 2016 when Middlesbrough FC fictitiously sought to prove the sum of their blackmail; £256,269.89.

In the case of EEI, its pre-liquidation direct mutual dealing with Middlesbrough FC occurred on 29 June 2015 when it was assigned the investment made by Mr Millinder in EW, including the £200,000 lease premium paid to the Club and all the development capital to it. On 12 February 2018, when the Club sought to fictitiously prove £25,000 in a purported winding up petition against EEI, it’s claim, a liquidated sum of the statutory demand served on them with the assignment on 6 January 2017, was £669,094.75 of which £139,094.75 is accrued interest from the date the assignment was served.

Acting in conspiracy to defraud the defendants bypassed the mandatory law of due process

In Stein v Blake, the House of Lords affirmed that insolvency set off affects the substantive rights of the parties. At paragraph 4, Lord Hoffmann said this:

Bankruptcy set-off, on the other hand affects the substantive rights of the parties by enabling the bankrupt s creditor to use his indebtedness to the bankrupt as a form of security. Instead of having to prove with other creditors for the whole of his debt in the bankruptcy he can set off pound for pound what he owes the bankrupt and prove for or pay only the balance. So in Forster v. Wilson (1843) 12 M. & W. 191, 204 Parke B. said that the purpose of insolvency set-off was ” … to do substantial justice between the parties …. ” Although it is often said that the justice of the rule is obvious, it is worth noticing that it is by no means universal. (Wood, on English and International Set-Off (1989), paras. 24-49 to 24-56. It has however been part of the English law of bankruptcy since at least the time of the first Queen Elizabeth. (op. cit., para. 7-26.)”

Between 15 August 2016 when the club sought to prove their fictitious claim, the blackmail deployed to forfeit the lease, a claim arising through direct mutual dealings, and 19 September 2016, the former Chief Registrar of the Insolvency & Companies Court was under a fiduciary duty to have administered the statutory set off rights granted to EW creditors under rule 14.25 of the Insolvency Rules 2016.

Having the Club’s false claim in his possession on 15 August 2016, and EW’s claim exceeding £10 million in his possession in hard copy on 10 September 2016, Baister acted without jurisdiction, defrauding EW creditors by bypassing the mandatory law of due process to obtain pecuniary interest by deception.

The law, Rule 14.25 of the Insolvency Rules 2016, determined that he had no jurisdiction to do it, because firstly, the Club never had a claim to prove, and secondly, that their fictitious claim was to be set off as per the mandatory provisions in Rule 14.25(1), 14.25(2) and 14.25(3), prior to making the insolvency order against EW.

Acting in fraudulent abuse of his position, Baister made the insolvency order against EW in absence of law. Between 12 February 2018 and 28 March 2018, the corrupt, politically controlled Court, working to assist the defendants, did precisely the same again, with EEI’s claim against MFC and the £25,000 fictitious claim which was, on 21 March 2018 listed for a hearing by Nugee J, to set it aside.

A purported debt, which is subject to challenge by a High Court Judge, is not, and cannot possibly be a liquidated sum immediately due and payable, yet, in absence of law, in absence of debt, without jurisdiction, EEI was once again wound up. They have been abusing insolvency statutory legislation to defraud creditors through fraudulent maladministration of law and judicial process.

AI does not lie – But the defendants and their conspirators do

Essentially what happened was that the bent Official Receiver was installed by Baister to act as liquidator of EW. in fraudulent breach of his continuing duty to have administered the mandatory law of due process, the statutory set off rights of which anyone else would be entitled, Hannon, the Official Receiver, accepted the Club’s first proof of debt on 1 December 2016, in the sum of £256,269.89, fraudulently failing in his duty to have set off.

On 20 December 2016, Hannon accepted a second claim from the Club, which grew from the first, in the sum of £541,308.89, and then on 2 February 2017, just 24-days after he attended Court during an ex-parte financial inunction proceeding in breach of their legal duty to disclose, where Ulick Staunton, counsel instructed by the Club and their lawyers admitted no claims could be established because “force majeure has effect”, the Club’s instructing lawyer in Newcastle, fraudulently claimed over £4.1 million, also originating from the blackmail.

In 2020, the Supreme Court finally determined the law in set off as per Rule 14.25 of the Insolvency Rules 2016 in the judgment, Bresco Electrical Services Ltd (In Liquidation)v Michael J Lonsdale (Electrical) Ltd UKSC 2020 25. Paragraphs 27 – 34 of the judgment are dedicated to the issue, and in that judgment it was finally determined that set off must be applied to ‘future debts’, conferring a continuing fiduciary duty in the liquidator having set off each of the other two fraudulent claims arising from the first.

Operation Blackjack performed an AI search on all the evidence and submissions made ever since EEI made its first application on the basis that the liquidator had fraudulently failed to administer the mandatory law of set off in Rule 14.25 of the Insolvency Rules 2016. The 100% accurate an impartial AI fact find revealed 341 exact matches where EW, EEI, Mr Millinder and Deuda Ltd had pleaded the issue within their applications, claims, evidence and submissions, and zero in any of the purported determinations.

The corrupt judges concealed their own fraud and then lied, by stating the case was ‘FINALLY DETERMINED’ knowing that everything that ever needed to be NEVER WAS.

Lord Justice Flaux, AKA the Chancellor of the High Court perverted the course of justice on Friday 22 March 2024, by telling court staff not to process applications after he knew that fellow corrupt judges of common purpose have concealed the fraud, throughout the course of public justice.

It is the statutory law and the final judgments of the highest courts of the land that they disagree with, not Deuda Ltd. NONE OF THEM HAD JURISDICTION TO DO IT.

Operation Blackjack’s 21-minute documentary exposing the fraud and perversion by the ’21 Cards of Injustice” – There are now 23, including the Lady Chief Justice !

Help us put an end to this judicial and political kleptocracy – It is your rights they are taking away. Check out ‘Operation Blackjack‘ and please support us for just £21 by subscribing to the 21-Cards-of-Injustice – Get lifetime access to our exclusive content whilst supporting our cause at the same time. We give something back that pays dividends, knowledge is power.

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